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How to Stop Your Puppy From Biting

If you've just brought home a new puppy, chances are it will chew at least some of your favorite items, and even your fingers, while it's teething. In this post, our Palmdale vets discuss how to curb your puppy's nipping and biting.

Why does my puppy keep biting me?

Dogs use their mouths and bite things because that is how they discover and interact with the world around them. They can’t use their paws, so they try to do it with their mouths. It’s important to understand that it's normal for puppies to nip and bite as part of their development. Almost anyone who has raised a puppy has experienced biting in one way, shape, or form.

Puppies often bite out of curiosity to help soothe their sore gums while teething.

How long does the biting stage last in puppies?

Every puppy is different, but typically, the biting and mouthing stage lasts about three to six months. 

We understand this can be frustrating for new dog owners, but don't worry. This stage will pass, and we are here to give you some tips and tricks to help your puppy stop biting.

How to Stop a Puppy From Biting

It's normal for puppies to bite, but if not handled early, it can become a lifelong habit. It's important to teach your puppy to stop mouthing and biting people. There are different ways to train them to do this.

Teach Your Puppy Bite Inhibition

All dogs must learn how to moderate the force of their bite. There may be instances when they're in pain or fearful, causing them to mouth at you or someone else. They will understand not to bite down hard if they've been taught bite inhibition.

When puppies play, they naturally nip at each other. If they bite too hard, their mother or littermate will typically make a loud yelping sound to alert the puppy that its bite was too forceful. You can also teach this to your dog by making a high-pitched “ow” sound when they bite you.

However, be cautious, as some dogs may become more agitated and are likely to bite even more. In such cases, it's better to turn quietly around, walk away, or gently place the pup in their crate for a few minutes to calm down. If they do back off, be sure to reward your dog with a treat and some verbal praise.

Redirect the Behavior

If your puppy is biting because it is bored or its gums hurt because it is teething, you can start by redirecting its biting away from you or your furniture to something it can chew, such as its toys.

Encourage non-contact forms of play, such as fetch and tug-of-war, rather than wrestling and rough play with your hands. Once your puppy can play tug safely, keep tug toys in your pocket or make them easily accessible. You can immediately redirect him to the tug toy if he starts to mouth you.

If your puppy bites at your feet and ankles, carry his favorite tug toy in your pocket. Whenever he ambushes you, instantly stop moving your feet. Take out the tug toy and wave it enticingly. When your puppy grabs the toy, start moving again.

Offer Them Quiet Time or a Potty Break

Gently put your puppy in their crate to give them a chance to calm down and prevent them from biting. It’s very important to ensure they don’t learn to associate the crate with punishment, so act calmly. Once the pup calms down, you can let them out.

Sometimes, a biting puppy is overtired, and it needs to be put in a quiet space or crate to nap. Other times, it may need a potty break or be hungry or thirsty.

Let Your Puppy Get Some Energy Out

Giving your puppy lots of exercise can be one of the best ways to stop biting. Making sure your puppy gets enough exercise is one of the best ways to help alleviate problem behaviors like biting. Often, puppies act out when they haven’t had enough physical and mental stimulation.

Reinforce the Behaviors You Want to Encourage

When our puppy is calm and quiet, reinforce their good behavior with a “good dog,” a piece of kibble, and/or a pat. Through positive reinforcement, you’ll help them learn what behaviors you’re looking for.

Work With a Professional Trainer

Taking your new puppy to a dog training class can be a safe and effective means of socialization. Professional dog trainers can give you tips that can help curb your puppy's problematic behaviors, such as biting. They have spent years learning how to train a puppy not to bite, so save yourself some frustration and let the professionals take the pressure off of you.

Never Show Your Frustration 

It's normal to feel at your wit's end sometimes, but it's crucial to stay calm and avoid getting frustrated with your puppy. They are still learning about the world and rely on you for guidance. Expressing frustration could make them fear you or harm your bond with them, which is not what you want.

When does play biting become aggression?

Most puppy nipping and biting are normal behaviors. However, some puppies bite out of fear or frustration, which can become a concern in the future.

Puppies sometimes have temper tantrums when you make them do something they don't want to or during play. A puppy temper tantrum is more severe than playful mouthing, but it isn't always easy to tell the difference. In most cases, a playful puppy will have a relaxed body and face. If your puppy has a temper tantrum, his body might look stiff or frozen. He might pull his lips back to expose his teeth or growl. Almost always, his bites will be much more painful than normal mouthing during play.

If you're holding or handling your puppy and he starts to throw a temper tantrum, avoid yelping like you're hurt. Doing that might cause your puppy to continue or intensify the behavior. Instead, be very calm and unemotional. Don't hurt your puppy, but continue to hold him firmly without constriction, if possible, until he stops struggling.

After he's quieted down for just a second or two, let him go. Then, make plans to contact a qualified professional for help. Repeated bouts of biting in frustration are not something the puppy will grow out of, so your puppy's behavior should be assessed and resolved as soon as possible.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

If you've just brought home a new puppy, contact our Palmdale vets to discuss any behavioral issues your puppy may be experiencing.

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